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Mechanical Design/ Hardware Engineer Mechanical £Neg Mechanical Design/Hardware Engineer Candidates must have experience in the defence and electroni...
Senior/ Principal Wastewater Modeller Civil / Structural circa £55-70 ph depending on experience Senior/Principal Wastewater Modeller Qualifications & Experience: Role includes AMP8 work...
Technician (AutoCAD & 3D Revit) Civil / Structural, Electrical, Construction £Neg depending on experience Technician (AutoCAD & 3D Revit) Our clients are seeking a skilled Technician proficient in Au...
Senior Mechanical Building Services Engineer Civil / Structural, Mechanical, Building Services £Neg depending on experience Senior Mechanical Building Services Engineer / MEP Overview: The Building Services team is ren...
Instrumentation Engineer Instrumentation / Control Systems £Neg depending on experience We are looking for an Onshore Instrumentation Engineer, to be based in Kingston, supporting a carbon...
Offshore Methods Engineer Project Management / Engineering, Pipeline £Neg depending on experience Our client is currently looking for several Project Engineers to work with the existing team based o...
Chartered / near Chartered Structural Engineer (Heritage) Civil / Structural £Depending on experience Senior Heritage Structural Engineer to lead the Heritage Team The successful candidate will be: ...
Contracts Advisor Project Management / Engineering, Information Management £Negotiable depending on experience Our client is an advanced technological and engineering platform for the design, construction and op...


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